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Source Of Madness Is Now Available For Xbox One And Xbox Series X|S

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Source of Madness

Thunderful Publishing AB


Source of Madness is a side-scrolling dark action roguelite set in the Loam Lands, a twisted Lovecraftian inspired world powered by procedural generation and AI machine learning. Take on the role of a new Acolyte as they embark on a nightmarish odyssey. Uncover the cosmic secrets of the Loam Lands and The Tower of Madness, the moon’s mysterious Citadel.

Hordes of nightmarish beasts
The horrific monsters you face are never the same, concocted with procedural generation and animated using a neural network AI

Deep Gameplay Systems
Explosive close-combat magic, labyrinthine environmental exploration, powerful loot management and a skill tree filled with abilities, classes, and spells

Ever-Changing Landscapes
Rendered in a beautiful AI assisted art style, the fascinating world of the Loam Lands reveals a deep arcane lore as players uncover its many secrets

NOTE: This game leverages Smart Delivery allowing access to both the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S versions of the game. 
Product Info:
Developer: Carry Castle
Twitter: @CarryCastle / @Thunderfulgames

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